It is important to note that there is no clear-cut definition of what constitutes a "normal" or "abnormal" IQ level. However, in general, IQ scores are often interpreted using the following scale:

  • An IQ score of 130 or above Very high intelligence

  • An IQ score of 120-129: High intelligence

  • An IQ score of 110-119: Above average intelligence

  • An IQ score of 90-109: Average intelligence

  • An IQ score of 80-89: Below average intelligence

  • An IQ score of 70-79: Borderline intellectual functioning

  • IQ score below 70: Intellectual disability

It's worth noting that IQ tests are not perfect measures of intelligence and should be interpreted with caution. Additionally, there are many different types of intelligence, and IQ tests only measure a few of them.

If you are interested in knowing your own IQ score, or the IQ score of someone else, it is important to have them take an IQ test administered by a trained professional. These tests can be expensive and time-consuming, and should only be administered by qualified individuals. It is also important to remember that IQ is just one aspect of a person's intelligence, and should not be used as the sole measure of their abilities or potential.

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